L CARNOSINE RWR | إل كارنوسين آر دبليو آر | الزعفران | مقويات | بيطرية | هجن | خيول
L CARNOSINE RWR | إل كارنوسين آر دبليو آر | الزعفران | مقويات | بيطرية | هجن | خيول
L CARNOSINE RWR | إل كارنوسين آر دبليو آر | الزعفران | مقويات | بيطرية | هجن | خيول
L CARNOSINE RWR | إل كارنوسين آر دبليو آر | الزعفران | مقويات | بيطرية | هجن | خيول
L CARNOSINE RWR | إل كارنوسين آر دبليو آر | الزعفران | مقويات | بيطرية | هجن | خيول


AED250 AED220 وفر 12 %

✔يعزز وظيفة العضلات وأنسجة المخ.
✔ يمنع إرهاق العضلات عن طريق تخزين حمض اللاكتيك.
✔ يطيل دورة حياة الخلايا، مما يجدد الخلايا القديمة.
✔ يحتوي على تركيز عالي من ل-كارنوزين (200 ملغم/مل).
✔يحمي الخلايا من الأضرار التأكسدية.
✔ يمنع الربط أثناء ممارسة التمارين الرياضية الشاقة.

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تفاصيل المنتج

RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml is a sterile injectable solution of L-Carnitine, a naturally occurring amino acid that plays a vital role in energy metabolism. L-Carnitine is essential for the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are oxidized to produce energy.


    • Improves energy production: L-Carnitine helps to improve energy production by facilitating the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria. This can lead to increased endurance and improved athletic performance.
    • Reduces muscle fatigue: L-Carnitine helps to reduce muscle fatigue by buffering lactic acid and preventing the accumulation of ammonia. This can help you to train harder for longer.
    • Promotes muscle recovery: L-Carnitine helps to promote muscle recovery by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. This can help you to recover from workouts faster and reduce soreness.


    • High concentration of L-Carnitine: RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml contains a high concentration of L-Carnitine, providing 200mg per ml. This is significantly higher than many other L-Carnitine products on the market.
    • Safe and effective: RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml is a safe and effective product that has been used by veterinarians for many years. It is well-tolerated by most animals and does not cause any significant side effects.
    • Easy to administer: RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml is easy to administer. It can be given intravenously or intramuscularly.


RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml is indicated for the following:

    • Treatment of exercise-induced muscle fatigue: RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml can be used to treat exercise-induced muscle fatigue in horses, dogs, and cats. It can help to improve endurance and reduce muscle soreness.
    • Prevention of muscle cramps: RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml can be used to prevent muscle cramps in horses, dogs, and cats. It can help to improve muscle function and reduce the risk of cramps.
    • Treatment of muscle wasting: RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml can be used to treat muscle wasting in horses, dogs, and cats. It can help to improve muscle mass and strength.

Dosage and Administration:

The dosage of RWR L-Carnitine 200mg/ml will vary depending on the individual animal and the condition being treated. Please consult with your veterinarian for specific dosage instructions.


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ل-كارنوزين 200 ملغم/مل