Gonadrolen for camels and horses
GONADROLEN is a product that can help camels that suffer from a deficiency in sex hormones. It stimulates the production of sex hormones in the pituitary gland, which promotes the maturation...

GONADROLEN is a product that can help camels that suffer from a deficiency in sex hormones. It stimulates the production of sex hormones in the pituitary gland, which promotes the maturation of follicles and semen. It increases endurance to running and is considered a strong analgesic, so it is recommended to use it intermittently during the running season.
For camels during the running season to stimulate sex hormones, increase endurance, and relieve muscle pain.
How it works:
Gonadorelin acts as a research peptide that belongs to the group of hypothalamic hormones, and stimulates the maturation of eggs, ovulation, and the stages of maturation of the corpus luteum in the ovaries. Promotes the formation of female and male sex hormones.
GONADROLEN - the perfect choice to support the health and performance of camels during the running season!
Gonadorelin can help camels that suffer from a deficiency of sex hormones. The hormone stimulates the production of sex hormones in the pituitary gland. Stimulates the follicle and semen maturation in motion. It increases running endurance and is a very strong sedative, so it is recommended to give it at intermittent intervals during the running season.
How it works Gonadorelin is a research peptide and belongs to the group of hypothalamic hormones. The structure corresponds to the natural diencephalic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH, or gonadoliberin). Gonadorelin can compensate for the deficiency of this endogenous hormone. Gonadorelin stimulates the maturation of eggs, ovulation, and the stages of maturation of the corpus luteum in the ovaries of the camel. It also enhances the formation of the female sex hormones estrogen and progestin. Gonadoroline in the seat increases the production of the male hormone testosterone, which gives strength in performance and increased endurance. It also has an important role in alleviating muscle pain.